Radoslaw Smigielski

11 June 2019

D1 mini Pro random notes

by Radosław Śmigielski

At the time of writing this WemOS D1 mini Pro (v1.0.0) has been already retired but it’s still be popular board and widely available for purchase.

Power consumption

WemOS D1 mini Pro cofiguration:

  1. directly powered by 3.3V (no USB)
  2. LED_BUILTIN off
  3. Serial console on
  4. CPU speed 80 MHz
Description Current [mA]
WiFi off (WiFi.forceSleepBegin(); delay(loong)) 14.6
WiFi off (WiFi.forceSleepBegin()) 18.5
Connected to WiFi (802.11b), idle connection 71-72
tags: WemOS - IoT