Radoslaw Smigielski

30 December 2018

Scikit-learn working with example data sets

by Radosław Śmigielski

At the start of machine learning examples you will need some example data sets. Scikit-learn provides few good examples, here is more what it provides and how to use it.

Scikit-learn example data sets

Scikit-learn comes with number of existing example data sets you can use when starting with machine learning. This is how you can find them:

>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> dir(datasets)

You can see three type of functions:

  1. make_<SOME_DATA_SET> - Sample generators. Generate samples of synthetic data sets.
  2. load_<SOME_DATA_SET> - Load local data sets which come with Scikit-learn. These are parts of python sklearn package.

    All available:

    • boston_house_prices.csv
    • breast_cancer.csv
    • diabetes_data.csv.gz
    • diabetes_target.csv.gz
    • digits.csv.gz
    • iris.csv
    • linnerud_exercise.csv
    • linnerud_physiological.csv
    • wine_data.csv
  3. fetch_<SOME_DATA_SET> - Load external data set, download them from Internet. These are too bit to include them into Python package and some of them include multiple binary files.

    All available:

    • fetch_20newsgroups
    • fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized
    • fetch_lfw_pairs
    • fetch_lfw_people
    • fetch_mldata
    • fetch_olivetti_faces
    • fetch_species_distributions
    • fetch_california_housing
    • fetch_covtype
    • fetch_rcv1
    • fetch_kddcup99
    • fetch_openml

    And this is how you can fetch some data:

   >>> california_housing = datasets.fetch_california_housing()
   Downloading Cal. housing from https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/5976036 to /home/radek/scikit_learn_data

Scikit-learn examples data format

This is how you can load the data:

   >>> bp = datasets.load_boston()
   >>> dir(bp)
   ['DESCR', 'data', 'feature_names', 'filename', 'target']
   >>> type(bp)
   <class 'sklearn.utils.Bunch'>

Where sklearn.utils.Bunch is a dictionary-like object that exposes its keys as attributes.

tags: sklearn - machine learning - Python